Teaching climate change through digital activities
“You and CO2” is an innovative, interdisciplinary project combining research and public engagement activities to encourage young people, aged 12-15, to engage with the global problem of climate change on a local scale and to commit to behaviour changes that will reduce their carbon footprints.
How does the project work?
Taking a STE(A)M approach to learning
Through three workshops delivered in class, we educate the students about the role of carbon dioxide in climate change and the carbon dioxide emissions associated with everyday activities. The students read/play No World 4 Tomorrow, a custom-built interactive digital fiction on climate change, and then create their own interactive stories on the topic.
Through discussing and creating their own works of fiction, we encourage the students to explore their ideas about climate change and the role that individual citizens play in shaping the world’s climate. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of these workshops on young people’s engagement with climate change, and to assess whether their personal feelings about their own responsibilities for their carbon dioxide emissions change over the course of the workshops.

Who are we?
The Researchers
This project is conducted by Dr Jennifer Rudd in the School of Management at Swansea University, Dr Lyle Skains at Bournemouth University, Dr Ruth Horry in the Department of Psychology at Swansea University, and Dr Helen Ross at Helen’s Place.

What others say…
This project is timely given the coming significant changes to the national curriculum in Wales, especially in better understanding the impact of science and technology on our lives. The opportunity for interdisciplinary, cross-curricular working, framed around major societal issues such as climate change – as demonstrated by the “You and CO2” project – provides the foundation for developing ambitious, capable learners who can be ethical, informed future citizens of Wales.
[You and CO2] would definitely be something that we can use in our year 9 Spec for next year.
The workshops will offer us the opportunity to trial some approaches that will be beneficial in the delivery of the new curriculum 2022.
The students really enjoyed the task and really got the concept of using story writing to educate on the science. They loved the blend of science, coding and creative storytelling.
The students really engaged well with it.