It's getting warmer. It's getting harder to survive.
And we've just been sitting here, in this forest, with zero control over what's going on.
Any day now, there might be a fire.
Any day now, we might run out of food.
Any day now, a chainsaw could be on it's way.
Any day now, the temperature could get too hot.
Wait, what? What do you mean you're confused?
Oh, that's right. You're a human. Ok, you know what, let's [[take it back a little]]. Almost forgot.ancient animal rule about how we can't interact with humans. but the world around them, is dying, and the animals are still refusing to say anything or do anything about it. Meh, the humans will figure it out. They're pretty smart.
So we've been sitting here, in this tree, having no idea what's happening outside. Zero clue.
Any day now, there might be a fire.
Any day now, we might run out of food.
Any day now, a chainsaw could be on it's way.
Zero clue.
And it's been like this for ages. Well, at the beginning,
There could be fires. There could be a chainsaw on it's way. There could be I'm a lemur.
Yeah, I have a cool striped tail. I can jump 25 feet. No big deal or anything, just like the coolest primate out there...
Yeah that's right, I said it. Humans - you're really [[not it]].I mean, it's no secret to me that you're causing it all.
We're actually <a href=""> pretty smart. </a>
But apparently some of you (especially those in your <a href=""> government </a>) can't even <a href=""> recognize that. </a>
I know all of this, I can point it out. But at the end of the day, I'm just a lemur. I can't [[fix it]] for you.There's this ancient lemur rule that we can't interact with humans, can't let them know of our presence. Of course, with all their intrusive exploration, they found us out. Theyve studided us. And now, even more so, the elders won't let us say a word. Won't let us do a thing.
We're so secretive and shut-in, and I don't even know why.
The world around us is dying. And we have no control. That really is the worst feeling.
ncient animal rule about how we can't interact with humans. but the world around them, is dying, and the animals are still refusing to say anything or do anything about it. Meh, the humans will figure it out. They're pretty smart.
And now this rule is quite literally preventing us from saving oursleves. It's not like I can talk.
It's not like I can run for president. (I mean, I'd totally win. I'm <a href=""> smarter than a lot of them </a> .) I'm just not 35 years old yet...
I'm also a [[lemur]]. You can ''do''!
So do it.
Run for office. And even if you're not old enough, get out there and scream! Write. Petition and protest. Let them know how frustrated you are.
Take it upon yourself, you don't have to wait for the stinky government.
Don't make so much trash. Don't mine so much coal. Don't use so much oil. Recycle stuff. Reuse stuff.
Be creative. Invent stuff. Build stuff. Lead. Listen. Read. Act. Create.
If you're not going to do it for yourselves, <a href=""> which for some reason hasn't been enough motivation yet </a>, then ''do it for me''.
Do it for me because I can't do it for myself. Do you know how hard it is to know that you have no control? I hate that feeling.
I hate it.
It drives me crazy.
We're at extreme risk for extinction. All of the animals are. And we can't do anything about it except wait it out.
Waiting, waiting, waiting with the knowledge we can't do anything at all
anyythiiiing attt alllll
I mean, it's not just me. It drives everyone crazy. Even the trees have seemed a little down in the dumps.
You, on the other hand, do have control. You... [[can]]. You have the ability to.