
We have created a teacher’s pack of lesson plans, homework, tutorials and resources, all outlined in our Resource Map below. This pack is free for all to use; we simply ask you give us a little bit of information about how you’re using it, since we are a research project. This link to the teacher’s pack will take you to a quick form for this information, then give you the link to a Dropbox folder where you can access and download all the materials.

Resource Map for Running You & CO2 with Your Students

Full Teacher’s Pack (form that leads to Dropbox folder)

Links for Workshop 1:

Creating a Codename -> Pre-Workshop Student Survey

If you are running You and CO2 as part of our research project, please have each student fill out this survey before you begin Workshop 1. The students will need codenames that they use for both surveys, logging into and playing No World 4 Tomorrow, and submitting their own interactive digital narratives to the project.

If you’d like to see the questions students will be asked on the surveys, you can download the scale here, and some notes on the scale here.

Links for Workshop 2:

No World 4 Tomorrow
Video explainer of No World 4 Tomorrow

To play the game, student will need the codenames they created in Workshop 1.

Links for Workshop 3 & 4:

Twine Tutorial
YouTube Introduction to Twine

These tutorials will help you and the students get started with Twine. Please note that there are a lot of Twine tutorials out there. You can find some of our recommendations on this link on the left-hand sidebar under “Other Tutorials”.

Story Prompt

One of the biggest stumbling blocks we’ve had with the workshops were students who struggled to come up with a story. We created this prompt to help them; by the end of it, they will have a little story, and some code they can copy straight into their Twine game.

Submit Student Games

We love getting student games! We select examples to put on the website to inspire other students.

Post-Workshop Student Survey

If you are running You and CO2 as part of our research project, please have each student fill out this survey at the end of the final workshop.